Cape Broyle Errata
Page 4
H. Length from underarm to hem (including hem):” should read:
15.25 (15, 15, 16.75, 18.5, 20)” / 39 (38, 38, 42.5, 47, 51)cm
Page 7
Under ”Sizes (XS, S) only” should read:
Note: a non-decrease row is worked every several decrease rows to add length to the body. A RS/WS
non-decrease row is like the RS/WS decrease row but without decreasing the 2 sts.
Work a decrease row for the next (3, 6) rows, then work a non-decrease row.
Rep last (4, 7) rows (29, 16) more times.
Work a decrease row.
Work a non-decrease row (1, 0) time(s).
You will have 2 sts left on each front flap and the last row worked was a WS row.